Lean is one of the most effective ways in the corporate world to make the processes of the organisation more streamlined, cost-efficient, innovative and waste-free. 2020 has been an evolutionary year in many ways, particularly in the realm of organisational Lean and digital transformation.
Let’s take a look at some of the trends predicted for 2021
Small businesses have introduced Lean to their processes and this trend will continue to grow
Until 2020, one of the areas of business where Lean had failed to make a big impact is SMEs sector. However, this year has cause dramatic change as SME’s recognised they need to transform, particularly from a digital perspective to survive!. Some SMEs are still wary about Lean, expressing concerns about its application, the resources required, and the potential risks of unsuccessful process change. As awareness of Lean application and benefits grows, it is to be expected that more and more SMEs will feel confident about integration of its programs into their process.
Lean services delivered remotely
2021 is probably going to be about finding the middle ground and a remote approach that works for everyone. Lean services will be delivered more has had a significant impact on businesses offering Lean solutions as they transition from in-person delivery to remote. Remote Delivery eliminates the need to travel and opens up more possible time for working sessions and online meetings, opening up a wider customer base and allowing access to serve companies in rapid time nationwide and opens potential for international clients.
Emphasis on Soft Skills
Soft Skills like communication, networking and understanding of people and how to manage them will be the much needed skills for the managers of the automated and virtual world. Remote work, advanced technology and analytics would combine to form the lean revolution and future trend of business in 2021 and possessing an effective array of “soft skills” will be equally as important.
Lean and Digitalisation
Covid-19 became the dawn of a new digital era by accelerating the maturity of digital technology in all organisations. What was once a ‘nice to have’ became a ‘crucial to have’ and there is a greater need to facilitate the smaller companies with digital solutions. Digitalisation is one of the buzz words of 2020 and no company is immune to the rapid pace of digital transformation.
Boston consulting group shared that Lean would bring about 15% to 20% cost reduction, while technology would bring about 10-15% cost reduction. By combining Lean and technology and bringing digital solutions to market, there is potentially up to 40% cost reduction gains. There are Lean and Technology companies are established in the market but few are bringing Lean and Technology together yet.
Businesses will have to prepare to embrace that change and consider what these changes will mean for their own operations. Technology will be less of an auxillary function of business operations, and will become a fundamental part of the value creation.
Using Lean to enhance Employee Productivity
According to a 2017 study by Gallup of the State of the Global Workplace, only 15% of employees worldwide are engaged in their jobs. Another study by Dale Carnegie suggests that companies who have engaged teams, outperform those with less engagement by nearly 202%. Training and development of exiting workforce for lean methodologies will promote increased productivity and efficiency in any organisation. This is another aspect of the future of lean. Capability building of problem solving and team work as the basics of Lean thinking will keep the organisation at the top in the business race.
Find out how you can add LEAN options into your processes and reap the benefits above for your company. Get in touch with John today